Sharetapes is very excited to declare its collaboration with Shazam, the highly popular music detection app. Including the Shazam’s novel visual effects and augmented reality to the current NFC mechanism in the Sharetape’s peculiar mixtape cards.
Sharetapes is pleased to make this collaboration with renown messaging app. By doing this integration, a scanning Shazam codes gets inside the product; these Sharetapes can currently be used via the mobile app of Shazam.
Sharetapes are mixtapes with the size of a credit card for different types of tablets and phones. This allows various brands, musicians and event managers to share the cloud-based playlist videos and other music content related to the branded cards. Joining the present Near Field Communication (NFC) chips installed in the Sharetapes along with the novel Shazam visual codes, Sharetapes are presently the eventual key for sharing the digital media with ease.
NFC lets Android users can play the Sharetapes only by touching a button on their device – but, iPhone users don’t have open admittance to the NFC. Using this collaboration, users of both Android and iPhone will be able to simply scan the Sharetape’s peculiar visual code by using the Shazam app, and it released, the features of augmented reality are even workable with Sharetapes, introducing more collaborating content to the life, other than the cards only.
Few people had a sneak view of the novel deal at SXSW when Shazam have decided to activate the Sharetapes for handing out at the shows of Reverb Nation and Bud Light. There were the specialized Shazam events too, for promoting the brand new augmented reality features, in which users can see the augmented reality Wycelf Jean playing on the top of the card.
The Chief Revenue Officer at Shazam, Greg Glenday mentioned that the company is very excited about the new codes being integrated with the Sharetapes so that users will be able to link with the music and tunes in the real time world much easily. It is a method for various artists and brands to get innovative so that they could communicate with the customers.
Sharetapes can also be made in order for the events, activation of brands or for marketing the music content. Each tape features a customized printed style. A tape can be connected with the help of cloud-based broadcasting as you desire, with the help of services such as Pandora, YouTube, and more.